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It is highly contagious. About 1 in 15 children with measles develops pneumonia and 1 in 1000 develops encephalitis (brain inflammation). For every 10 children who develop measles encephalitis, 1 dies and many have permanent brain damage. About 1 in 100 000 develops SSPE (brain degeneration), which is always fatal.


Causes death in 10%, 1 in 2 have meningitis, brain injury, deafness, septicaemia, loss of limbs, kidney failure, intellectual disability.


It is carried in the upper respiratory tract and can invade at any time. Spread by saliva. 



Causes Death from sudden obstruction of the airway by loss of the throat lining, causes heart damage from toxins. Up to 1 in 7 patients die. The bacteria release a toxin, which can produce nerve paralysis and heart failure.


Causes death,  pneumonia, deafness, septicaemia, abnormal babies- limb reduction, facial abnormalities


Causes blindness, deafness, intellectual disability, if exposed before birth


Causes inflammation and swelling of the salivary gland called Parotid, and damage to the testicles. 1 in 6 have testicular damage. 3% become infertile. It can cause pancreatitis

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